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Writer, Social Psychiatrist
Collected research and media about displacement and public health.
Charles 'Teenie' Harris Photo Archive
The Carnegie Museum of Art is home to the photographic collection of Charles "Teenie" Harris, who documented life in Pittsburgh's Hill...
The Unstable Public-Health Ecology of the NY Metropolitan Region
This paper examines the inability of a divided society to respond to public health challenges, and the implications of accelerated...
Synergism of Plagues
This seminal paper presented the connection between the planned shrinkage and contagious housing destruction in the Bronx and the...
Magic Strategies
This paper proposes that "magic strategies" involving multiple scales and multiple systems will be effective in managing complex health...
Collective consciousness and its pathologies: Understanding failure of AIDS control and treatment
Collective consciousness and its pathologies: Understanding the failure of AIDS control and treatment in the United States examines the...
Children's Lived Spaces in the Inner City
This important paper traces the changing experience of growing up in Pittsburgh's Hill District in three distinct eras. AUTHOR: Eva-Maria...
Street by Street, Block by Block: How Urban Renewal Uprooted Black Roanoke
This groundbreaking special section of the Roanoke Times presented the city's history of urban renewal. AUTHOR: Mary Bishop. PUBLISHED:...
Serial Forced Displacement in American Cities, 1916–2010
This paper describes the recurrent upheaval that has undermined stability of African American communities over a 100 year period. AUTHOR:...
Root Shock: The Consequences of African American Dispossession
This paper presents Mindy Fullilove's concept of "root shock," based on the lifestory of David Jenkins and Mary Bishop's reporting on...
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